Inference of latent variables from complicated data is one important problem in data mining. The high dimensionality and high complexity of real world data often make accurate infe...
The paper studies empirically the time-space trade-off between sampling and inference in the cutset sampling algorithm. The algorithm samples over a subset of nodes in a Bayesian ...
Rao–Blackwellization is an approximation technique for probabilistic inference that flexibly combines exact inference with sampling. It is useful in models where conditioning o...
Most probabilistic inference algorithms are specified and processed on a propositional level. In the last decade, many proposals for algorithms accepting first-order specificat...
Numerous temporal inference tasks such as fault monitoring and anomaly detection exhibit a persistence property: for example, if something breaks, it stays broken until an interve...
It is well-known that inference in graphical models is hard in the worst case, but tractable for models with bounded treewidth. We ask whether treewidth is the only structural cri...
Web servers on the Internet need to maintain high reliability, but the cause of intermittent failures of web transactions is non-obvious. We use approximate Bayesian inference to ...
Background: Inferring a gene regulatory network (GRN) from high throughput biological data is often an under-determined problem and is a challenging task due to the following reas...
Yuji Zhang, Jianhua Xuan, Benildo de los Reyes, Ro...
Many problems require repeated inference on probabilistic graphical models, with different values for evidence variables or other changes. Examples of such problems include utilit...
Lifting can greatly reduce the cost of inference on firstorder probabilistic graphical models, but constructing the lifted network can itself be quite costly. In online applicatio...