
102views more  APIN 1999»
14 years 3 days ago
Constructing Information Bases Using Associative Structures
We present an approach based on knowledge medium using associative structures as a framework of information representation to gather raw information from heterogeneous information...
Harumi Maeda, Kazuto Koujitani, Toyoaki Nishida
102views more  DKE 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
A Generic Framework for the Modeling of Contexts and its Applications
: Large information bases that are used by several different users and applications accommodate the demands of their users more effectively, if they can be split into possibly over...
Renate Motschnig-Pitrik
93views more  IJIS 2007»
14 years 10 days ago
Perspectives on ontology-based querying
In this paper, we introduce principles for ontology-based querying of information bases. We consider a framework in which a basis ontology over atomic concepts in combination with ...
Rasmus Knappe, Henrik Bulskov, Troels Andreasen
14 years 1 months ago
Conceptual Modeling with Description Logics
The purpose of the chapter is to help someone familiar with DLs to understand the issues involved in developing an ontology for some universe of discourse, which is to become a co...
Alexander Borgida, Ronald J. Brachman
14 years 6 months ago
Computing the Relevant Instances That May Violate an OCL Constraint
Integrity checking is aimed at efficiently determining whether the state of the information base is consistent after the application of a set of structural events. One possible way...
Jordi Cabot, Ernest Teniente