The size of a document archive is a very important parameter for resource selection in distributed information retrieval systems. In this paper, we present a method for automatical...
Abstract In the Web search process people often think that the hardest work is done by the search engines or by the directories which are entrusted with finding the Web pages. Whi...
In this paper, we present an automated text classification system for the classification of biomedical papers. This classification is based on whether there is experimental eviden...
Min Shi, David S. Edwin, Rakesh Menon, Lixiang She...
Uncertain inference is a probabilistic generalisation of the logical view on databases, ranking documents according to their probabilities that they logically imply the query. For ...
Abstract. We focus on two recently proposed algorithms in the family of “boosting”-based learners for automated text classification, AdaBoost.MH and AdaBoost.MHKR . While the ...
Pio Nardiello, Fabrizio Sebastiani, Alessandro Spe...
We present in this paper a relational approach for indexing and retrieving photographs from a collection. Instead of using simple keywords as an indexing language, we propose to u...
Jean Martinet, Iadh Ounis, Yves Chiaramella, Phili...
Topic Detection and Tracking is an event-based information organization task where online news streams are monitored in order to spot new unreported events and link documents with ...
Juha Makkonen, Helena Ahonen-Myka, Marko Salmenkiv...
Current online stores suffer from a cardinal problem. There are too many products to offer, and customers find themselves lost due to the vast selection. As opposed to traditional ...