Evolution of existing large telecommunications software currently became an important issue. Efficient methods are needed to componentize existing software identify existing compo...
An approach for specifying the management of a distributed system is herein described. Based on this formal approach, a management can be generated. The base of the specification ...
Consider a parallel program with n processes and a synchronization granularity z. Consider also two multiprocessors: a multiprocessor with q processors and run-time reallocation o...
Lars Lundberg, Kamilla Klonowska, Magnus Broberg, ...
This paper presents an adaptive colour segmentation algorithm for Sony legged robots to play a football game. A Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is adopted to measure the current lightin...
We deal with mechanical documentation in software development tools. First, we review tabular forms for program specification and their formal syntax by an attribute edNCE graph ...
In direct interconnection networks, the collective communication operation one to all, which is usually referred to as broadcasting, can be generalized to allow one source node to...
We present an application prototype of dynamic knowledge representation programmed in LUPS (a language for updating logic programs). This is a case study to model intelligent agen...
Juan Carlos Acosta Guadarrama, Mauricio Javier Oso...