Variational methods are frequently used to approximate or bound the partition or likelihood function of a Markov random field. Methods based on mean field theory are guaranteed ...
Erik B. Sudderth, Martin J. Wainwright, Alan S. Wi...
Many tasks in speech processing involve classification of long term characteristics of a speech segment such as language, speaker, dialect, or topic. A natural technique for dete...
Many existing approaches to collaborative filtering can neither handle very large datasets nor easily deal with users who have very few ratings. In this paper we present the Prob...
We propose a compact, low power VLSI network of spiking neurons which can learn to classify complex patterns of mean firing rates on–line and in real–time. The network of int...
Stability is a desirable characteristic for linear dynamical systems, but it is often ignored by algorithms that learn these systems from data. We propose a novel method for learn...
Hierarchical penalization is a generic framework for incorporating prior information in the fitting of statistical models, when the explicative variables are organized in a hiera...
Marie Szafranski, Yves Grandvalet, Pierre Morizet-...
We introduce a new Bayesian model for hierarchical clustering based on a prior over trees called Kingman’s coalescent. We develop novel greedy and sequential Monte Carlo inferen...
We present a novel paradigm for statistical machine translation (SMT), based on a joint modeling of word alignment and the topical aspects underlying bilingual document-pairs, via...
We describe a neurobiologically plausible model to implement dynamic routing using the concept of neuronal communication through neuronal coherence. The model has a three-tier arc...
Devarajan Sridharan, Brian Percival, John V. Arthu...