The principle of information security safeguards is a key information principle contained in every privacy legislation measure, framework, and guideline. This principle requires d...
The importance of educating organizational end users about their roles and responsibilities towards information security is widely acknowledged. However, many current user educati...
This paper intends to discuss and sift out current and important challenges in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security for developing countries in the Sub-Saharan ...
This paper replicates and extends Observed Trends in Spam Construction Techniques: A Case Study of Spam Evolution. A corpus of 169,274 spam email was collected over a period of fi...
Digital evidence is not well perceived by the human senses. Crucial pieces of digital evidence may simply be missed by investigators as the forensic significance of seemingly unim...
Malicious software is prevalent in many forms with the potential for many types of malware to be downloaded while browsing the Internet using an unprotected system. The potential ...
A message digest is a fixed length output produced by applying a cryptographic algorithm on input binary data of arbitrary length. If the input data changes even by one bit, the g...
The problem today is that users are expected to remember multiple user names and passwords for different domains when accessing the Internet. Identity management solutions seek to...
The approach to information security governance has predominantly followed a functionalist paradigm with emphasis placed on formalized rule structures and policy frameworks. The a...