Wikipedia’s stated mission is to provide a free encyclopedia that people all over the world can use and contribute to. However, while Wikipedia is successful at providing access...
The aim of this study is to understand the role of bloggers in driving viral information. More specifically, we develop a new methodology that creates a map of the „life cycle...
Karine Nahon, Jeff Hemsley, Shawn Walker, Muzammil...
The decreasing cost of technology and Internet access has resulted in increasingly large-scale scientific research projects that rely on technology-mediated public participation....
The major concern of this paper is the cultural ramification of the bibliographic conception of “authorship.” Beginning with Foucault’s question “what is an author” and ...
Knowledge discovery from satellite images in spatio-temporal context remains one of the major challenges in the remote sensing field. It is, always, difficult for a user to manuall...
Abstract. We introduce a new axiomatization of oriented matroids that requires the elimination property only among modular pairs of circuits. This new point of view leads also to a...
Let N ≥ 2 and let 1 < a1 < · · · < aN be relatively prime integers. The Frobenius number of this N-tuple is defined to be the largest positive integer that has no re...
Henning and Yeo proved a lower bound for the minimum size of a maximum matching in a connected k-regular graphs with n vertices; it is sharp infinitely often. In an earlier paper...
Noncrossing set partitions, nonnesting set partitions, Dyck paths, and rooted plane trees are four classes of Catalan objects which carry a notion of type. There exists a product f...
A D-polyhedron is a polyhedron P such that if x, y are in P then so are their componentwise max and min. In other words, the point set of a D-polyhedron forms a distributive latti...