Today there exist a growing number of framenet-like resources offering semantic and syntactic phrase specifications that can be exploited by natural language generation systems. I...
Ontologies and datasets for the Semantic Web are encoded in OWL formalisms that are not easily comprehended by people. To make ontologies accessible to human domain experts, sever...
The generation of referring expressions (GRE), an important subtask of Natural Language Generation (NLG) is to generate phrases that uniquely identify domain entities. Until recen...
The problem of Named Entity Generation is expressed as a conditional probability model over a structured domain. By defining a factor-graph model over the mentions of a text, we o...
This report describes the methods and results of a system developed for the GREC Named Entity Recognition and GREC Named Entity Regeneration Challenges 2010. We explain our proces...
Nicole L. Sparks, Charles F. Greenbacker, Kathleen...
Rating-scale evaluations are common in NLP, but are problematic for a range of reasons, e.g. they can be unintuitive for evaluators, inter-evaluator agreement and self-consistency...
The paper briefly describes the First Shared Task Evaluation Challenge on Question Generation that took place in Spring 2010. The campaign included two tasks: Task A
Vasile Rus, Brendan Wyse, Paul Piwek, Mihai C. Lin...
16:30 Generating and Validating Abstracts of Meeting Conversations: a User Study. Gabriel Murray, Giuseppe Carenini and Raymond Ng 16:30 - 16:45 Break Session 3: Sentence Level Gen...