This paper examines, by argument, the dynamics of sequences of behavioural choices made, when non-cooperative restricted-memory agents learn in partially observable stochastic gam...
Over the past half decade, we have been exploring the use of logic in the specification and analysis of computational economic mechanisms. We believe that this approach has the p...
One of the core goals of the Semantic Web is to store data in distributed locations, and use ontologies and reasoning to aggregate it. Social networking is a large movement on the...
The gap in automation between MIP/SAT solvers and those for constraint programming and constraint-based local search hinders experimentation and adoption of these technologies and...
To-do lists have been found to be the most popular personal information management tools, yet there is no automated system to interpret and act upon them when appropriate on behal...
The importance of the efforts towards integrating the symbolic and connectionist paradigms of artificial intelligence has been widely recognised. Integration may lead to more e...
Usually a voting rule requires agents to give their preferences as linear orders. However, in some cases it is impractical for an agent to give a linear order over all the alterna...
In this paper, we address the problem of identifying and localizing multiple instances of highly deformable objects in real-time video data. We present an approach which uses PCA-...