
8 years 6 months ago
On Elementary Loops and Proper Loops for Disjunctive Logic Programs
This paper proposes an alternative definition of elementary loops and extends the notion of proper loops for disjunctive logic programs. Different from normal logic programs, the...
Jianmin Ji, Hai Wan, Peng Xiao
8 years 6 months ago
Exploiting Determinism to Scale Relational Inference
One key challenge in statistical relational learning (SRL) is scalable inference. Unfortunately, most realworld problems in SRL have expressive models that translate into large gr...
Mohamed Hamza Ibrahim, Christopher J. Pal, Gilles ...
8 years 6 months ago
Towards a Programmer's Apprentice (Again)
Programmers are loathe to interrupt their workflow to document their design rationale, leading to frequent errors when software is modified—often much later and by different p...
Howard Elliot Shrobe, Boris Katz, Randall Davis
8 years 6 months ago
Multimedia Data for the Visually Impaired
The Web contains a large amount of information in the form of videos that remains inaccessible to the visually impaired people. We identify a class of videos whose information con...
Niket Tandon, Shekhar Sharma, Tanima Makkad
8 years 6 months ago
Lower and Upper Bounds for SPARQL Queries over OWL Ontologies
The paper presents an approach for optimizing the evaluation of SPARQL queries over OWL ontologies using SPARQL’s OWL Direct Semantics entailment regime. The approach is based o...
Birte Glimm, Yevgeny Kazakov, Ilianna Kollia, Gior...
8 years 6 months ago
Energy Disaggregation via Learning Powerlets and Sparse Coding
In this paper, we consider the problem of energy disaggregation, i.e., decomposing a whole home electricity signal into its component appliances. We propose a new supervised algor...
Ehsan Elhamifar, Shankar Sastry
8 years 6 months ago
Optimal Estimation of Multivariate ARMA Models
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models are a fundamental tool in time series analysis that offer intuitive modeling capability and efficient predictors. Unfortunately, the l...
Martha White, Junfeng Wen, Michael Bowling, Dale S...
8 years 6 months ago
From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules
Querying inconsistent ontologies is an intriguing new problem that gave rise to a flourishing research activity in the description logic (DL) community. The computational complexi...
Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez, Andreas...
8 years 6 months ago
Improving Multi-Step Prediction of Learned Time Series Models
Most typical statistical and machine learning approaches to time series modeling optimize a singlestep prediction error. In multiple-step simulation, the learned model is iterativ...
Arun Venkatraman, Martial Hebert, J. Andrew Bagnel...
8 years 6 months ago
A Goal-Based Model of Personality for Planning-Based Narrative Generation
We present an approach to incorporate interesting and compelling characters in planning-based narrative generation. The approach is based on a computational model that utilizes ch...
Julio César Bahamón, Camille Barot, ...