: In this paper we present the Photo Pyramid, a device with a graspable interface to retrieve and navigate through digital photo collections. The user selects a set of photos by at...
Nishchal Deshpande, A. Panas, A. Bondaryeva, N. Ki...
Abstract: For many anthropomorphic representations on computer interfaces, there are choices of using mediacaptured human components and using computer-synthesized humanoid counter...
: We describe a technique for visually tracking flashlights so that they can be used as fun, cheap, intuitive and safe interaction devices with a wide range of surfaces. Our implem...
Ahmed Ghali, Steve Benford, Sahar Bayoumi, Jonatha...
: An increasing number of consumer products for everyday use offer the user advanced programming capabilities. Existing technologies offer the potential to design human-product int...
: Users performance when seeking for information in two information spaces of different design was correlated with their cognitive abilities, and their geographic orientation abili...
: This paper presents both a theoretical analysis of differences between geographic and hypermedia spaces, and some experimental data comparing users’ ability to navigate in hype...
: Larger display surfaces are becoming increasingly available due to multi-monitor capability built into many systems, in addition to the rapid decrease in their costs. However, li...
Mary Czerwinski, Greg Smith, Tim Regan, Brian Meye...
: Digital computation is a powerful source of functional support. However, it has been confined to the augmentation of single objects only. In this article, we are interested in th...
Abstract: This paper proposes a way to identify professional knowledge in a heterogeneous HCI (HumanComputer Interaction) community of usability professionals, designers and resear...