Searching is inherently an interactive process usually requiring numerous iterations of querying and assessing in order to find the desired amount of relevant information. Essent...
We consider an interactive information retrieval task in which the user is interested in finding several to many relevant documents with minimal effort. Given an initial documen...
Traditional interactive information retrieval systems function by creating inverted lists, or term indexes. For every term in the vocabulary, a list is created that contains the d...
Generating query-biased summaries can take up a large part of the response time of interactive information retrieval (IIR) systems. This paper proposes to use document titles as a...
The classical Probability Ranking Principle (PRP) forms the theoretical basis for probabilistic Information Retrieval (IR) models, which are dominating IR theory since about 20 ye...
We describe the application of generative programming to a problem in interactive information retrieval. The particular interactive information retrieval problem we study is the su...
In recent years there has been growing interest in faceted grouping of documents for Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR). It is suggested that faceted grouping can offer a fl...