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Let S be a finite set of points in the plane and let T (S) be the set of intersection points between pairs of lines passing through any two points in S. We characterize all configu...
Let X be a smooth quadric of dimension 2m in P2m+1 C and let Y, Z X be subvarieties both of dimension m which intersect transversely. In this paper we give an algorithm for comput...
Sandra Di Rocco, David Eklund, Andrew J. Sommese, ...
We give a simple O(n log n) algorithm to compute the convex hull of the (possibly Θ(n2 )) intersection points in an arrangement of n line segments in the plane. We also show an a...
Esther M. Arkin, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Jack Snoey...
We present a complete, exact and efficient implementation to compute the adjacency graph of an arrangement of quadrics, i.e. surfaces of algebraic degree 2. This is a major step t...
Laurent Dupont, Michael Hemmer, Sylvain Petitjean,...