In human speech production, the voice source contains important non-lexical information, especially relating to a speaker's voice quality. In this study, direct measurements ...
In this paper, we present a new approach for the speech synthesis, in which speech utterances are synthesized using the parameters of spectro-modeling function (Multiple function)...
This pilot study explores how the voice source parameters vary in focally accented syllables. It examines the dynamics of the voice source parameters in an all-voiced short declar...
Irena Yanushevskaya, Christer Gobl, John Kane, Ail...
Linear regression based speaker adaptation approaches can improve Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) accuracy significantly for a target speaker. However, when the available adapt...
In this paper, we propose two different language modeling approaches, namely skip trigram and across sentence boundary, to capture the long range dependencies. The skip trigram mo...
Saeedeh Momtazi, Friedrich Faubel, Dietrich Klakow
In Voice-over-IP, buffer delay and packet loss are two main factors effecting perceived conversational quality. A quality-based algorithm aims to seek an optimum balancing of dela...
A method for the analysis of prosodic-level temporal structure is introduced. The method is based on measured phase angles of an oscillator as that oscillator is made to synchroni...
In automatic speech recognition, we are faced with a wellknown inconsistency: Bayes decision rule is usually used to minimize sentence (word sequence) error, whereas in practice w...
An application of compressive sensing (CS) theory in imagebased robust face recognition is considered. Most contemporary face recognition systems suffer from limited abilities to ...
In this paper, we propose to improve our previously developed method for joint compensation of additive and convolutive distortions (JAC) applied to model adaptation. The improvem...