Abstract. Modern description logic (DL) reasoners are known to be less efficient for DLs with inverse roles. The current loss of performance is largely due to the missing applicabi...
We have shown recently that, in extensions of ALC that involve inverse roles, conjunctive query answering is harder than satisfiability: it is 2-ExpTime-complete in general and NEx...
FaCT (Fast Classification of Terminologies) is a Description Logic (DL) classifier that can also be used for modal logic satisfiability testing. The FaCT system includes two reason...
Abstract. Description Logics (DLs) are a family of knowledge representation formalisms mainly characterised by constructors to build complex concepts and roles from atomic ones. Ex...
Abstract. The Description Logics underpinning OWL impose a well-known syntactic restriction in order to preserve decidability: they do not allow to use nonsimple roles—that is, t...