We extend Lutz's resource-bounded measure to probabilistic classes, and obtain notions of resource-bounded measure on probabilistic complexity classes such as BPE and BPEXP. ...
Slicing is a program transformation technique with numerous applications, as it allows the user to focus on the parts of a program that are relevant for a given purpose. Ideally, ...
Abstract. A stochastic graph game is played by two players on a game graph with probabilistic transitions. We consider stochastic graph games with -regular winning conditions speci...
In this note, we show, through the use of examples, how generic results for proving fixed-parameter tractability which apply to restricted classes of structures can sometimes be m...
We study the complexity of the membership or parsing problem for pictures generated by a family of picture grammars: Siromoney's Context-Free Kolam Array grammars (coincident...
We use transfer matrix methods to determine bounds for the numbers of legal Go positions for various numbers of players on some planar lattice graphs, including square lattice gra...
Suppose that D is an acyclic orientation of the graph G. An arc of D is dependent if its reversal creates a directed cycle. Let d(D) denote the number of dependent arcs in D. Defi...