We study the problem of mapping the N nodes of a complete t-ary tree on M memory modules so that they can be accessed in parallel by templates, i.e. distinct sets of nodes. Typica...
Vincenzo Auletta, Sajal K. Das, Amelia De Vivo, Ma...
The increasing gap in processor and memory speeds has forced microprocessors to rely on deep cache hierarchies to keep the processors from starving for data. For many applications...
A non-redundant fault-tolerant broadcasting algorithm in a faulty k-ary n-cube is designed. The algorithm can adapt up to 2n,2 node failures. Compared to the optimal algorithm in a...
Abstract. Programmability is an important capability that provides flexible computing devices, but it incurs significant performance and power penalties. We have proposed an archit...
Arthur Abnous, Katsunori Seno, Yuji Ichikawa, Marl...
Characterizing shared-memory applications provides insight to design efficient systems, and provides awareness to identify and correct application performance bottlenecks. Configu...