Abstract—Widespread emergence of multicore processors will spur development of parallel applications, exposing programmers to degrees of hardware concurrency hitherto unavailable...
—Using the well-known ATLAS and LAPACK dense linear algebra libraries, we demonstrate that the parallel management overhead (PMO) can grow with problem size on even statically sc...
In many scientific applications, significant time is spent tuning codes for a particular highperformance architecture. Tuning approaches range from the relatively nonintrusive (...
Albert Hartono, Boyana Norris, Ponnuswamy Sadayapp...
Computing large multiple protein sequence alignments using progressive alignment tools such as ClustalW requires several hours on state-of-the-art workstations. ClustalW uses a th...
Through the algorthmic design patterns of data parallelism and task parallelism, the graphics processing unit (GPU) offers the potential to vastly accelerate discovery and innovat...
Jeremy S. Archuleta, Yong Cao, Thomas Scogland, Wu...
HMMer is a widely-used bioinformatics software package that uses profile HMMs (Hidden Markov Models) to model the primary structure consensus of a family of protein or nucleic aci...
In this paper we describe the parallelization of a dynamic programming algorithm used to find common RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots and similar structures. The se...