For many years, researchers and software developers have been seeking to develop systems and applications to enable efficient and effective group work and organizational memory. ...
Abstract)",4th Annual Walter Lincoln Hawkins Research Conference, RPI, November 2005. B. Hill, \Correlated Caching for Correlated Data", 2nd Annual Walter Lincoln Hawkins...
Abstract— Conversational Case-Based-Reasoning (CCBR) provides a mixed-initiative dialog for guiding users to construct their problem description incrementally through a question-...
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) models have emerged as a leading access control approach for today’s information systems. Hybrid role hierarchies introduced in the Generalized ...
The AnyInformationHiding design pattern models the concept of information hiding and the interactions between parties associated with it in any application. Information hiding is ...
An enterprise architecture is a high-level description intended to capture the vision of an enterprise integrating all its dimensions: organization structure, business processes, ...
Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Luuk Groe...
Developing scalable and adaptable architectures that can accommodate evolving changes is crucial for reducing software development cost. To achieve scalability and adaptability, d...