Clustering belongs to the set of mathematical problems which aim at classification of data or objects into related sets or classes. Many different pattern clustering approaches bas...
Faezeh Ensan, Mohammad Hossien Yaghmaee, Ebrahim B...
— Even for a specific application, the design space of wireless sensor networks is enormous, and traditional disciplinary boundaries are disappearing in the search for efficien...
Currently, the OFDMA transmission scheme seems to be a promising candidate for future broadband radio systems. The crucial part which determines the performance is thereby the com...
The research area of very large scale wireless sensor networks made of low-cost sensors is gaining a lot of interest as witnessed by the large number of published papers. The secu...
Chandana Gamage, Kemal Bicakci, Bruno Crispo, Andr...
Abstract— Today data sources are pervasive and their number is growing tremendously. Current tools are not prepared to exploit this unprecedented amount of information and to cop...
Multipath routing protocols have proved to be able to enhance the performance of MANET in terms of reliability, load balancing, multimedia streaming, security, etc. However, deplo...
Carlos Miguel Tavares Calafate, Pietro Manzoni, Ma...
Network resource management and control is a complex problem that requires robust, possibly intelligent, control methodologies to obtain satisfactory performance. While many Activ...
— In this paper, we propose an adaptive capacity allocation scheme at the call level for a blocked call cleared loss system. The scheme aims to maintain the connection blocking p...