Abstract. Networks describe various complex natural systems including social systems. Recent studies have shown that these networks share some common properties. While studying com...
Considering wireless sensor networks for border surveillance, one of the major concerns is sensing coverage. Breach probability can be used as a measure to analyze the tradeoffs a...
Abstract. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) are adopted to process different goods in different mix ratios allowing firms to react quickly and efficiently to changes in produ...
We describe relay attacks on Bluetooth authentication protocol. The aim of these attacks is impersonation. The attacker does not need to guess or obtain a common secret known to bo...
System BV is an extension of multiplicative linear logic with a non-commutative self-dual operator. In this paper we present systems equivalent to system BV where equalities for un...
We explain the use of PEPA nets in documenting high-level designs of mobile code and mobile computing systems. This modelling language (which allows the modeller to differentiate ...
Abstract. We present a performance modelling case study of a distributed multi-player game expressed in the PEPA nets modelling language. The case study provides a modern complex d...
A wide variety of practical problems related to the interaction of agents can be examined using biological metaphors. This paper applies the theory of G-networks to agent systems b...
Abstract. Achieving higher levels of dependability is a goal in any software project, therefore strategies for software reliability improvement are very attractive. This work intro...
Daniel O. Bortolas, Avelino F. Zorzo, Eduardo A. B...
Testing is a necessary, but costly process for user-centric quality control. Moreover, testing is not comprehensive enough to completely detect faults. Many formal methods have bee...