
113views more  BMCBI 2005»
14 years 2 months ago
Alternative splicing and protein function
Background: Alternative splicing is a major mechanism of generating protein diversity in higher eukaryotes. Although at least half, and probably more, of mammalian genes are alter...
A. D. Neverov, Irena I. Artamonova, Ramil N. Nurtd...
114views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Mining frequent patterns for AMP-activated protein kinase regulation on skeletal muscle
Background: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has emerged as a significant signaling intermediary that regulates metabolisms in response to energy demand and supply. An investig...
Qingfeng Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen
82views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Profiling alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms for prostate cancer classification
Background: Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer illness and death among men in the United States and world wide. There is an urgent need to discover good biomar...
Chaolin Zhang, Hai-Ri Li, Jian-Bing Fan, Jessica W...
143views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
IsoSVM - Distinguishing isoforms and paralogs on the protein level
Background: Recent progress in cDNA and EST sequencing is yielding a deluge of sequence data. Like database search results and proteome databases, this data gives rise to inferred...
Michael Spitzer, Stefan Lorkowski, Paul Cullen, Al...
155views Bioinformatics» more  BIBM 2009»
14 years 9 months ago
Towards Reliable Isoform Quantification Using RNA-Seq Data
Background: In eukaryotes, alternative splicing often generates multiple splice variants from a single gene. Here weexplore the use of RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) datasets to address...
Brian E. Howard, Steffen Heber