Multiplication of mobile devices and generalized use of wireless networks imply changes on the design and execution of distributed software applications targeting ubiquitous compu...
Areski Flissi, Christophe Gransart, Philippe Merle
DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) is a toolbox for the construction of Network Enabled Server (NES) systems. For most NES systems, as for most grid middleware sys...
Abstract. Grid architectures are execution environments that are known to be at the same time distributed, parallel, heterogeneous and dynamic. While current tools focus solutions ...
: Optimization is a healthy field targeted to find efficient solutions and algorithms to solve problems either in the academia and the industry. As the solved problems became harde...
— Data-centric applications are still a challenging issue for Large Scale Distributed Computing Systems. The emergence of new protocols and softwares for collaborative content di...
Zero-copy communication exchanges the messages among the buffers that are allocated and locked before the communication itself. This communication style fits into applications th...