: The paper is concerned with the question of how the emergence of ubiquitous computing influences organizations in terms of changing business processes and social aspects of emplo...
Abstract: This paper presents the evidential paradigm of computer-supported mathematical assistance in "doing" mathematics and in reasoning activity. At present, the evid...
Alexander V. Lyaletski, Anatoly E. Doroshenko, And...
: Recent advances in mobile computing have enabled the deployment of broadcast based information systems such as, wireless internet, traffic information systems, etc. These systems...
: Schema mapping is an important approach to solve the problem of data integration. This paper introduces a research prototype called SDE, which is a system for managing and facili...
: New approaches to modeling and design of enterprise systems must enable enterprises to offer dramatically improved capabilities including more effective enterprise architectures,...
Abstract: Nowadays for any kind of distributed and multi-level, i.e. complex information systems it is vitally important to represent its data resources in a homogenized form. This...
Dmytry V. Kuklenko, Rustam Gamzayev, V. Goloborodk...
: Systems management in any organization depends exclusively on the efforts of a system administrator. Every change in the IT infrastructure landscape requires changes in the syste...
Currently, there are two main basic approaches to data integration: Global-as-View (GaV) and Local-as-View (LaV). However, both GaV and LaV have their limitations. In a GaV approa...
: The employment of a patchwork of nonintegrated security products can only provide incomplete coverage, which cannot give the total panorama of the network misuse behavior. Networ...