Anonymous electronic cash systems can be vulnerable to criminal abuse. Two approaches were suggested for solving this problem. In an escrowed cash system users are given anonymity ...
Digital watermarking has been considered as an important technique to protect the copyright of digital content. For a digital watermarking method to be effective, it is essential ...
Abstract. Group signature schemes allow a group member to anonymously sign on group’s behalf. Moreover, in case of anonymity misuse, a group authority can recover the issuer of a...
There is a spate of research activities investigating digital image watermarking schemes in an effort to control the problem of illegal proliferation of creative digital data acros...
Gareth Brisbane, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Philip Ogu...
Micropayments are electronic payments of small amount. Given their low value, the cost of the corresponding electronic transactions should also be kept low. Current micropayment sc...