
122views Communications» more  ITA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Parikh test sets for commutative languages
A set T L is a Parikh test set of L iff c(T ) is a test set of c(L). We give an effective characterization of Parikh test sets for arbitrary commutative language.
Stepan Holub
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14 years 3 months ago
Efficient weighted expressions conversion
Faissal Ouardi, Djelloul Ziadi
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14 years 3 months ago
Some Algebraic Properties of Machine Poset of Infinite Words
The complexity of infinite words is considered from the point of view of a transformation with a Mealy machine that is the simplest model of a finite automaton transducer. We are ...
Aleksandrs Belovs
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14 years 3 months ago
From Bi-ideals to Periodicity
The necessary and sufficient conditions are extracted for periodicity of bi-ideals. By the way two proper subclasses of uniformly recurrent words are introduced.
Janis Buls, Aivars Lorencs
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14 years 3 months ago
On Varieties of Literally Idempotent Languages
A language L A is literally idempotent in case that ua2 v L if and only if uav L, for each u, v A , a A. Varieties of literally idempotent languages result naturally by taking...
Ondrej Klíma, Libor Polák
137views Communications» more  ITA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Weakly maximal decidable structures
We prove that there exists a structure M whose monadic second order theory is decidable, and such that the elementary theory of every expansion of M by a constant is undecidable. 1...
Alexis Bès, Patrick Cégielski
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14 years 3 months ago
Dejean's conjecture and letter frequency
We prove two cases of a strong version of Dejean's conjecture involving extremal letter frequencies. The results are that there exist an infinite " 5 4 + " -free wor...
Jérémie Chalopin, Pascal Ochem
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14 years 3 months ago
Drunken man infinite words complexity
In this article, we study the complexity of drunken man infinite words. We show that these infinite words, generated by a deterministic and complete countable automaton, or equival...
Marion Le Gonidec