This paper describes the design and implementation of the Office Assistant – an agent that interacts with visitors at the office door and manages the office owner’s schedule. ...
The rapid growth of the Internet has resulted in enormous amounts of information that has become more difficult to access efficiently. Internet users require tools to help manage ...
Computer gaming offers a unique test-bed and market for advanced concepts in computer science, such as Human Computer Interaction (HCI), computer-supported collaborative work (CSC...
In recent years, many systems and approaches for recommending information, products or other objects have been developed. In these systems, often machine learning methods that nee...
We propose a collaborative exploration system that helps users to explore recommendations from various viewpoints. Given ratings and reviews on movies from reviewers, the system p...
The APE (Adaptive Programming Environment) project focuses on applying Machine Learning techniques to embed a software assistant into the VisualWorks Smalltalk interactive program...
In this paper, we describe an outline of “Procedure based help desk system”. Preparing enough amounts of contents for help desk system is important for constructing an efficie...
In this paper we present a recommender system design for recipe based on-line food shopping. Our system differs in two major ways from existing system. First we use an editor that...
Martin Svensson, Jarmo Laaksolahti, Kristina H&oum...