The van Lint-Wilson AB-method yields a short proof of the Roos bound for the minimum distance of a cyclic code. We use the AB-method to obtain a different bound for the weights of...
We give a combinatorial proof of the first Rogers-Ramanujan identity by using two symmetries of a new generalization of Dyson's rank. These symmetries are established by direc...
Graham and Pollak (Bell System Tech. J. 50 (1971) 2495-2519) obtained a beautiful formula on the determinant of distance matrices of trees, which is independent of the structure o...
The thinnest coverings of ellipsoids are studied in the Euclidean spaces of an arbitrary dimension n. Given any ellipsoid, our goal is to find the minimum number of unit balls nee...
Abstract. Previous research extending over a few decades has established that multiplicatively large sets (in any of several interpretations) must have substantial additive structu...
A Latin square design whose automorphism group is transitive of rank at most 3 on points must come from the multiplication table of an elementary abelian p-group, for some prime p...
Difference Systems of Sets (DSS) are combinatorial configurations that arise in connection with code synchronization. This paper gives new constructions of DSS obtained from parti...
Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Akihiro Munemasa, Vladimir D. Tonc...