In 2007 Jedwab and Parker proposed [10] that the natural viewpoint for a Golay complementary sequence is as a projection of a multi-dimensional Golay array. In 2008 Fiedler, Jedwa...
In a recent paper we have presented a method to evaluate certain Hankel determinants as almost products; i.e. as a sum of a small number of products. The technique to find the ex...
We study the smallest possible number of points in a topological space having k open sets. Equivalently, this is the smallest possible number of elements in a poset having k order ...
An Avoider-Enforcer game is played by two players, called Avoider and Enforcer, on a hypergraph F ⊆ 2X . The players claim previously unoccupied elements of the board X in turns...
Dan Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich, Milos Stojakovic,...
We prove a collection of conjectures of D. White [37], as well as some related conjectures of Abuzzahab-Korson-Li-Meyer [1] and of Reiner and White [21], [37], regarding the cyclic...