This paper illustrates how a computer model, based on Venn-networks, mimics a physiological phenomenon present in brains of higher animals: contra-lateral inhibition. The experimen...
Anomaly detection is a pattern recognition task whose goal is to report the occurrence of abnormal or unknown behavior in a given system being monitored. In this paper we propose a...
Rewbenio A. Frota, Guilherme De A. Barreto, Jo&ati...
We present a solution to the winner determination problem which takes into account not only costs but also risk aversion of the agent that accepts the bids, and which works for au...
In this paper an omnidirectional Distributed Vision System (DVS) is presented. The presented DVS is able to learn to navigate a mobile robot in its working environment without any...
Emanuele Menegatti, C. Simionato, Stefano Tonello,...
An increase in hazardous materials transportation in Iran along with the industrial development and increase of resulted deadly accidents necessitate the development and implementa...