
74views more  JIS 2008»
13 years 12 months ago
Smoother pebbles and the shoulders of giants: the developing foundations of information science
Some developments in the information science discipline over a period of thirty years are discussed, by selecting topics covered in the early issues of Journal of Information Scie...
David Bawden
119views more  JIS 2008»
13 years 12 months ago
A three-year study on the freshness of web search engine databases
This paper deals with one aspect of the index quality of search engines: index freshness. The purpose is to analyse the update strategies of the major Web search engines Google, Y...
Dirk Lewandowski
103views more  JIS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Usage patterns of collaborative tagging systems
Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has grown in popularity on ...
Scott A. Golder, Bernardo A. Huberman
114views more  JIS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Working with information: information management and culture in a professional services organization
The paper presents a case study of a large Canadian law firm with a distinctive information culture that is vigorously implementing an information management strategy. Our finding...
Chun Wei Choo, Colin Furness, Scott Paquette, Herm...
96views more  JIS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
A study of the effect of term proximity on query expansion
Query expansion terms are often used to enhance original query formulations in document retrieval. Such terms are usually selected from the entire documents or from windows or pas...
Olga Vechtomova, Ying Wang
100views more  JIS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
The convergence of digital libraries and the peer-review process
Pre-print repositories have seen a significant increase in use over the past fifteen years across multiple research domains. Researchers are beginning to develop applications capa...
Marko A. Rodriguez, Johan Bollen, Herbert Van de S...
105views more  JIS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Automated support specification for efficient mining of interesting association rules
In recent years, the weakness of the canonical support-confidence framework for associations mining has been widely studied. One of the difficulties in applying association rules ...
Wen-Yang Lin, Ming-Cheng Tseng