Coordination languages were introduced in the early 80's as programming notations to manage the interaction among concurrent collaborating software entities. Process algebras...
models, used for specification, analysis and verification, usually describe sets of implementations by means of a refinement relation. In the branching time setting, implementatio...
We demonstrate a method for describing data-flow analyses based program optimizations as compositional type systems with a transformation component. Analysis results are presented...
Asynchronous method calls have been proposed to better integrate object orientation with distribution. In the Creol language, asynchronous method calls are combined with so-called...
Currently known sequent systems for temporal logics such as linear time temporal logic and computation tree logic either rely on a cut rule, an invariant rule, or an infinitary ru...
We present a Stone duality for bitopological spaces in analogy to the duality between topological spaces and frames, and discuss the resulting notions of sobriety and spatiality. ...
Based on a set of criteria and a measuring lattice, we introduce relational measures as generalizations of fuzzy measures. The latter have recently made their way from the interva...