
89views more  JSYML 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Forcing properties of ideals of closed sets
With every σ-ideal I on a Polish space we associate the σ-ideal I∗ generated by the closed sets in I. We study the forcing notions of Borel sets modulo the respective σ-ideals...
Marcin Sabok, Jindrich Zapletal
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13 years 5 months ago
Weak systems of determinacy and arithmetical quasi-inductive definitions
We locate winning strategies for various Σ0 3-games in the L-hierarchy in order to prove the following:
Philip D. Welch
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13 years 5 months ago
Ramsey-like cardinals
This paper continues the study of the Ramsey-like large cardinals introduced in [Git09] and [WS08]. Ramsey-like cardinals are defined by generalizing the “existence of elementar...
Victoria Gitman
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13 years 5 months ago
Determinacy in strong cardinal models
We give limits defined in terms of abstract pointclasses of the amount of determinacy available in certain canonical inner models involving strong cardinals. We show for example: ...
Philip D. Welch
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13 years 10 months ago
The club principle and the distributivity number
Abstract. We give an affirmative answer to Brendle’s and Hruˇs´ak’s question of whether the club principle together with h > ℵ1 is consistent. We work with a class of ax...
Heike Mildenberger
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13 years 10 months ago
Benign cost functions and lowness properties
We show that the class of strongly jump-traceable c.e. sets can be characterised as those which have sufficiently slow enumerations so they obey a class of well-behaved cost functi...
Noam Greenberg, André Nies
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13 years 10 months ago
Analytic equivalence relations and bi-embeddability
Abstract. Louveau and Rosendal [5] have shown that the relation of biembeddability for countable graphs as well as for many other natural classes of countable structures is complet...
Sy-David Friedman, Luca Motto Ros
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13 years 10 months ago
On the non-confluence of cut-elimination
Abstract. Westudy cut-elimination in first-orderclassical logic. Weconstructa sequenceofpolynomiallength proofs having a non-elementary number of different cut-free normal forms....
Matthias Baaz, Stefan Hetzl
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13 years 10 months ago
Mad families, splitting families and large continuum
Let κ < λ be regular uncountable cardinals. Using a finite support iteration of ccc posets we obtain the consistency of b = a = κ < s = λ. If µ is a measurable cardinal...
Jörg Brendle, Vera Fischer
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13 years 10 months ago
On the jump classes of noncuppable enumeration degrees
We prove that for every Σ0 2 enumeration degree b there exists a noncuppable Σ0 2 degree a > 0e such that b ≤e a and a ≤e b . This allows us to deduce, from results on the...
Charles M. Harris