Abstract: We introduce the notion of ∧- and ∨-pairs of functions on lattices as an abstraction of the notions of metric and its related entropy for probability distributions. T...
Scripting languages are used in conjuction with C code in two ways: as extension languages, where the interpreter is embedded as a library into an application; or as extensible lan...
: Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitely, an associated order relation, it follows that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classi...
: Nowadays, advanced E-Learning systems are generally pedagogy-aware. Commonly, these systems include facilities for defining so-called learning scenarios that reflect sophisticate...
: Nowadays, software evolution is a very hot topic. It is particularly complex when it regards critical and nonstopping systems. Usually, these situations are tackled by hard-codin...
Abstract: We present a new type of sat problem called the k-gd-sat, which generalizes k-sat and gd-sat. In k-gd-sat, clause lengths have geometric distribution, controlled by a pro...
Milena Vujosevic-Janicic, Jelena Tomasevic, Predra...
: Collaborative learning environments require carefully crafted designs –both technical and social. This paper presents a model describing how to design socio-technical environme...