— For Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of bilingual or multilingual document containing text words in regional language and numerals in English, it is necessary to identify di...
This paper introduces a multiobjective grammar based genetic programming algorithm to solve a Web Mining problem from multiple instance perspective. This algorithm, called MOG3P-MI...
Amelia Zafra, Eva Lucrecia Gibaja Galindo, Sebasti...
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present a new tool of multiple instance learning which is designed using a grammar based genetic programming (GGP) algorithm. We study its app...
Abstract. Microshrinkages are known as probably the most difficult defects to avoid in high-precision foundry. The presence of this failure renders the casting invalid, with the su...
Igor Santos, Javier Nieves, Yoseba K. Penya, Pablo...
In a football stadium environment with multiple overhead floodlights, many protruding shadows can be observed originating from each of the targets. To successfully track individua...