In this paper we discuss a data mining framework for constructing intrusion detection models. The key ideas are to mine system audit data for consistent and useful patterns of pro...
The task in the computer security domain of anomaly detection is to characterize the behaviors of a computer user (the `valid', or `normal' user) so that unusual occurre...
BAYDA is a software package for flexible data analysis in predictive data mining tasks. The mathematical model underlying the program is based on a simple Bayesian network, the Na...
Business users and analysts commonly use spreadsheets and 2D plots to analyze and understand their data. On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) provides these users with added flexi...
The goal of Active Template research is to create a single, unified environment that a data analyst can use to carry out a knowledge discovery project, and to deliver the resultin...
In many data mining problems the definition of what structures in the database are to be regarded as interesting or valuable is given only loosely. Typically this is regarded as a...
"Oneperson's noise is another person's signal." For manyapplications, including the detection of credit card frauds and the monitoringof criminal activities in...
In this paper, weexplore the use of machinelearning and data mining to improvethe prediction of travel times in an automobile. Weconsider two formulations of this problem, one tha...
Periodicity search, that is, searchfor cyclicity in time-related databases, is an interesting data mining problem. Mostprevious studies have been on finding full-cycle periodicity...