: This paper presents a new TCP-based packet pair measurement approach for network path capacity estimation. It addresses some drawbacks other approaches still bear. In contrast to...
Christoph Barz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Mar...
: In modern information systems the dominant retrieval paradigms have shifted from exact matching towards retrieving a list of the most relevant objects. This is because users usua...
Wolf-Tilo Balke, Wolfgang Nejdl, Wolf Siberski, Uw...
Abstract: SOAP wurde als leichtgewichtiges Protokoll zum Austausch von strukturierten Informationen in einer verteilten Umgebung konzipiert und bildet so die Basis der ” Web Serv...
: Almost all current P2P applications are built as monolithic systems: they tightly couple application software with an underlying P2P technology. For simple P2P applications like ...
Michael Conrad, Jochen Dinger, Hannes Hartenstein,...