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In order to efficiently determine structural relationships among XML elements and to avoid re-labeling for updates, much research about labeling schemes has been conducted, recentl...
With the ever growing use of XML as a data representation format, we see an increasing need for robust, high performance XML database systems. While most of the recent work focuses...
Yi Chen, George A. Mihaila, Rajesh Bordawekar, Sri...
Abstract With the growing importance of XML in data exchange, much research tends to provide a compact labeling scheme and a flexible query facility to extract data from dynamic XM...
When XML documents are modeled as graphs, many challenging research issues arise. In particular, query processing for graphstructured XML data brings new challenges because traditi...
Hongzhi Wang, Wei Wang 0011, Xuemin Lin, Jianzhong...
The method of assigning labels to the nodes of the XML tree is called a labeling scheme. Based on the labels only, both ordered and un-ordered queries can be processed without acc...
This paper studies labeling schemes for the vertex connectivity function on general graphs. We consider the problem of labeling the nodes of any n-node graph is such a way that gi...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a new compact and low delay routing labeling scheme for Unit Disk Graphs (UDGs) which often model wireless ad hoc networks. We show that one can...