
106views more  JMLR 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Improving posterior marginal approximations in latent Gaussian models
We consider the problem of correcting the posterior marginal approximations computed by expectation propagation and Laplace approximation in latent Gaussian models and propose cor...
Botond Cseke, Tom Heskes
91views more  CSDA 2010»
14 years 22 days ago
Default Bayesian model determination methods for generalised linear mixed models
In this paper, we consider a default strategy for fully Bayesian model determination for GLMMs. We address the two key issues of default prior specification and computation. In pa...
Antony M. Overstall, Jonathan J. Forster
14 years 2 months ago
Efficient Approximations for the Marginal Likelihood of Incomplete Data Given a Bayesian Network
We discuss Bayesian methods for learning Bayesian networks when data sets are incomplete. In particular, we examine asymptotic approximations for the marginal likelihood of incomp...
David Maxwell Chickering, David Heckerman