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We compare the performance of three statistical parsing architectures on the problem of deriving typed dependency structures for French. The architectures are based on PCFGs with ...
Marie Candito, Joakim Nivre, Pascal Denis, Enrique...
In a variety of disciplines such as social sciences, psychology, medicine and economics, the recorded data are considered to be noisy measurements of latent variables connected by...
We consider the problem of obtaining a reduced dimension representation of electropalatographic (EPG) data. An unsupervised learning approach based on latent variable modelling is...
The naive Bayes model makes the often unrealistic assumption that the feature variables are mutually independent given the class variable. We interpret a violation of this assumpt...
Nevin Lianwen Zhang, Thomas D. Nielsen, Finn Verne...
Abstract. We investigate a nonparametric model with which to visualize the relationship between two datasets. We base our model on Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models (GPLVM)[1...
We propose models for semantic orientations of phrases as well as classification methods based on the models. Although each phrase consists of multiple words, the semantic orienta...
Reliably recovering 3D human pose from monocular video requires models that bias the estimates towards typical human poses and motions. We construct priors for people tracking usi...
We present a discriminative, latent variable approach to syntactic parsing in which rules exist at multiple scales of refinement. The model is formally a latent variable CRF gramm...
We propose a novel probabilistic method based on the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to learn the structure of a Latent Variable Model (LVM) for query language modeling. In the proposed...
—The Possibilistic Latent Variable (PLV) clustering algorithm is a powerful tool for the analysis of complex datasets due to its robustness toward data distributions of different...