For a static array A of n totally ordered objects, a range minimum query asks for the position of the minimum between two specified array indices. We show how to preprocess A into...
We prove that the radix cross-section of a rational set for a length morphism, and more generally for a rational function from a free monoid into N, is rational, a property that d...
Abstract. We describe algorithms for finding the regression of t, a sequence of values, to the closest sequence s by mean squared error, so that s is always increasing (isotonicit...
Many divide-and-conquer algorithms employ the fact that the vertex set of a graph of bounded treewidth can be separated in two roughly balanced subsets by removing a small subset o...
Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Fabrizio Grando...
We study the error robustness of tilings of the plane. The fundamental question is the following: given a tileset, what happens if we allow a small probability of errors? Are the o...