Abstract. Broadcast (BC) is considered as the most fundamental primitive for fault-tolerant distributed computing and cryptographic protocols. An important and practical variant of...
A common scenario in many pairing-based cryptographic protocols is that one argument in the pairing is fixed as a long term secret key or a constant parameter in the system. In th...
Abstract. Misty schemes are classic cryptographic schemes used to construct pseudo-random permutations from 2n bits to 2n bits by using d pseudo-random permutations from n bits to ...
Abstract. A cryptographic accumulator is a scheme where a set of elements is represented by a single short value. This value, along with another value called witness, allows to pro...
Let E be a non-supersingular elliptic curve over a finite field Fq. At CRYPTO 2009, Icart introduced a deterministic function Fq → E(Fq) which can be computed efficiently, and ...
We describe an FPGA accelerator for the Kannan–Fincke– Pohst enumeration algorithm (KFP) solving the Shortest Lattice Vector Problem (SVP). This is the first FPGA implementati...