
86views more  IJAR 2011»
13 years 6 months ago
On open questions in the geometric approach to structural learning Bayesian nets
The basic idea of an algebraic approach to learning Bayesian network (BN) structures is to represent every BN structure by a certain uniquely determined vector, called the standar...
Milan Studený, Jirí Vomlel
88views more  MOC 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
The number of lattice points in alcoves and the exponents of the finite Weyl groups
We count lattice points in certain rational simplices associated with an irreducible finite Weyl group W and observe that these numbers are linked to the exponents of W .
Ruedi Suter
139views more  COMBINATORICS 1999»
14 years 2 months ago
A Closer Look at Lattice Points in Rational Simplices
Abstract. We generalize Ehrhart's idea ([Eh]) of counting lattice points in dilated rational polytopes: Given a rational simplex, that is, an n-dimensional polytope with n + 1...
Matthias Beck
179views Algorithms» more  APPROX 2006»
14 years 6 months ago
On Bounded Distance Decoding for General Lattices
A central problem in the algorithmic study of lattices is the closest vector problem: given a lattice v represented by some basis, and a target point y, nd the lattice point close...
Yi-Kai Liu, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniele Micciancio