Abstract. Learning in the context of constraint solving is a technique by which previously unknown constraints are uncovered during search and used to speed up subsequent search. R...
Ian P. Gent, Christopher Jefferson, Lars Kotthoff,...
Lazy learning is a memory-based technique that, once a query is received, extracts a prediction interpolating locally the neighboring examples of the query which are considered re...
This paper presents two local methods for the control of discrete-time unknown nonlinear dynamical systems, when only a limited amount of input-output data is available. The modeli...
Daelemans W. Abstraction Considered Harmful: Lazy Learning of Language Processing. Proceedings of the 6th 5th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning 1996; 3-12.
Predictive toxicology is the task of building models capable of determining, with a certain degree of accuracy, the toxicity of chemical compounds. Machine Learning (ML) in general...