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14 years 1 months ago
Lazy Task Creation: A Technique for Increasing the Granularity of Parallel Programs
Many parallel algorithms are naturally expressed at a ne level of granularity, often ner than a MIMD parallel system can exploit eciently. Most builders of parallel systems have...
Eric Mohr, David A. Kranz, Robert H. Halstead Jr.
14 years 4 months ago
Lazy Remote Procedure Call and its Implementation in a Parallel Variant of C
Abstract. Lazy task creation (LTC) is an e cient approach for executing divide and conquer parallel programs that has been used in the implementation of Multilisp's future con...
Marc Feeley
14 years 4 months ago
A Message Passing Implementation of Lazy Task Creation
Abstract. This paper describes an implementation technique for Multilisp's future construct aimed at large shared-memory multiprocessors. The technique is a variant of lazy ta...
Marc Feeley