Abstract. This article presents a randomized algorithm for leader election which uses bidirectionality of an asynchronous ring to force a node to "commit" to a coin flip ...
Abstract. Recently, efficient leader election algorithms for ad hoc radio networks with low time complexity and energy cost have been designed even for the no-collision detection,...
Tracking is one of the major applications of wireless sensor networks. EnviroSuite, as a programming paradigm, provides a comprehensive solution for programming tracking applicatio...
Liqian Luo, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Tian He, John A. ...
We consider the problems of Byzantine Agreement and Leader Election, where a constant fraction b < 1/3 of processors are controlled by a malicious adversary. The first problem...
Valerie King, Jared Saia, Vishal Sanwalani, Erik V...
Abstract. In this paper, we mix two well-known approaches of the fault-tolerance: robustness and stabilization. Robustness is the aptitude of an algorithm to withstand permanent fa...
We describe the implementation and experimental evaluation of a fault-tolerant leader election service for dynamic systems. Intuitively, distributed applications can use this serv...