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If a network is to operate successfully, its users need to collaborate. Collaboration takes the form of following a network protocol and involves some resource expenditure on the p...
— A user authentication system using "unclear images" as pass-images has been proposed, in which only legitimate users can understand their meaning by viewing the origi...
We present a model of access control which provides fine-grained data-dependent control, can express permissions about permissions, can express delegation, and can describe syste...
Dimitar P. Guelev, Mark Ryan, Pierre-Yves Schobben...
— Currently, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks remain amongst the most critical threats to Internet applications. The goal of the attacker in a DoS attack is to overwhelm a shared ...
Consider a challenge-response protocol where the probability of a correct response is at least α for a legitimate user and at most β < α for an attacker. One example is a CAP...
Russell Impagliazzo, Ragesh Jaiswal, Valentine Kab...
Compared to all emerging issues, privacy is probably the most prominent concern when it comes to judging the effects of a wide spread deployment of ubiquitous computing. On one ha...
A user authentication system using "unclear images" as pass-images has been proposed, in which only legitimate users can understand their meaning by viewing the original...
Abstract. Application layer DDoS attacks, to which network layer solutions is not applicable as attackers are indistinguishable based on packets or protocols, prevent legitimate us...
Abstract. Traitor tracing schemes are cryptographically secure broadcast methods that allow identification of conspirators: if a pirate key is generated by k traitors out of a stat...