A mode of a multiset S is an element a ∈ S of maximum multiplicity; that is, a occurs at least as frequently as any other element in S. Given an array A[1 : n] of n elements, we...
Timothy M. Chan, Stephane Durocher, Kasper Green L...
If : L L is a bijection from the set of lines of a linear space (P, L) onto the set of lines of a linear space (P , L ) (dim (P, L), dim (P , L ) 3), such that intersecting lin...
We introduce exponential search trees as a novel technique for converting static polynomial space search structures for ordered sets into fully-dynamic linear space data structure...
Efficient processing of distance-based queries (DBQs) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications that may address such queries. The most repr...
A partial linear space is a non-empty set of points, provided with a collection of subsets called lines such that any pair of points is contained in at most one line and every lin...
J. Dobrakovov´a and the author in [7] introduced the relation of nearness in Banach space. In this paper we will go on investigating the nearness relation in a linear space with ...
We prove that the set of all Lambertian reflectance functions (the mapping from surface normals to intensities) obtained with arbitrary distant light sources lies close to a 9D lin...