This paper explores the power and the limitations of weakly supervised categorization. We present a complete framework that starts with the extraction of various local regions of e...
Andreas Opelt, Axel Pinz, Michael Fussenegger, Pet...
A recognition scheme that scales efficiently to a large number of objects is presented. The efficiency and quality is exhibited in a live demonstration that recognizes CD-covers...
We propose a method for tracking an object from a video sequence of moving background through the use of the proximate distribution densities of the local regions. The discriminati...
We present a novel local region approach for statistically characterizing appearance in the context of medical image segmentation via deformable models. Our appearance model refl...
Joshua Stough, Robert E. Broadhurst, Stephen M. Pi...
We present Chorus, a high-level parallel programming model suitable for irregular, heap-manipulating applications like mesh refinement and epidemic simulations, and JChorus, an i...
Roberto Lublinerman, Swarat Chaudhuri, Pavol Cern&...