
170views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
13 years 10 months ago
Decision Making in Competitive Location using Fuzzy Sets
This paper deals with the competitive location problems using fuzzy sets. The basic notions on fuzzy optimization and linear programming using fuzzy sets are briefly reviewed. The ...
Clara M. Campos, Lourdes Canós, Marí...
100views more  EOR 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Urban rapid transit network capacity expansion
The rapid transit network design problem consists on the location of the train alignments and stations in an urban traffic context. The location problem incorporates the demand dec...
Ángel Marín, Patricia Jaramillo
13 years 12 months ago
Hybrid heuristics for the probabilistic maximal covering location-allocation problem
The Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP) maximizes the population that has a facility within a maximum travel distance or time. Numerous extensions have been proposed to enhan...
Francisco de Assis Corrêa, Antonio Augusto C...
119views more  ISF 2008»
13 years 12 months ago
A decision support system for locating VHF/UHF radio jammer systems on the terrain
In this study, a mathematical model is suggested concerning the location of VHF/UHF frequency radio jammer systems to the terrain parts to conduct single frequency or sequential fr...
Cevriye Gencer, Emel Kizilkaya Aydogan, Coskun Cel...
142views Hardware» more  SIGMETRICS 2002»
14 years 2 days ago
Probabilistic scalable P2P resource location services
Scalable resource discovery services form the core of directory and other middleware services. Scalability requirements preclude centralized solutions. The need to have directory ...
Daniel A. Menascé, Lavanya Kanchanapalli
139views Economy» more  WINE 2005»
14 years 6 months ago
Price of Anarchy, Locality Gap, and a Network Service Provider Game
In this paper, we define a network service provider game. We show that the price of anarchy of the defined game can be bounded by analyzing a local search heuristic for a related...
Nikhil R. Devanur, Naveen Garg, Rohit Khandekar, V...